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When Hope Sank by Denise Weimer Review and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: When Hope Sank

Author: Denise Weimer

Genre: Christian / Historical / Romance

Release date: May, 2024

Can Hope Resurface After Evil Tries to Drown It?

Introducing a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic American disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

The Civil War has taken everything from Lily Livingston—her parents, her twin brother, her home. Now she works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her head down. Speaking up for her beliefs proved too costly in a part of Arkansas split by conflicting loyalties and overrun by spies and bushwhackers.

Emaciated in body but resilient in spirit, Lieutenant Cade Palmer is crowded onto the Sultana with other paroled Andersonville and Cahaba POWs for the journey north. But a fiery explosion on April 27, 1865, rends the steamer and empties two thousand men into the frigid Mississippi River.

Recovering from wounds that might end his career as a surgeon but clinging to his faith, Cade threatens both Lily’s defenses and her heart. How can she tell him she might’ve prevented the tragedy if only she’d reported a suspected saboteur’s claims? And when the man returns to town and encoded messages pass through the hotel, will Lily follow her convictions to prevent another tragedy?

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Denise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. A former magazine writer, Denise authored romantic novella Redeeming Grace, as well as The Georgia Gold Series (Sautee ShadowsThe Gray DivideThe Crimson Bloom, and Bright as Gold, winner of the 2015 John Esten Cooke Award for outstanding Southern literature) and The Restoration Trilogy (White, Widow and Witch) with Canterbury House Publishing. A wife and swim mom of two daughters, Denise always pauses for old houses, coffee and chocolate, and to write any story the Lord lays on her heart.

More from Denise

The first novel I ever wrote was set during the Civil War, inspired by travels to historic sites of the Southeast with my parents and scribbled in my eleven-year-old hand in spiral-bound notebooks. Fresh out of college with my new degree in journalism with a minor in history on my shelf, I narrowly missed signing a contract for another Civil War series. Fast forward another decade or so. I was a young mom writing for magazines and directing a volunteer 1800s dance group when my Georgia Gold Series, literary-style historical fiction set between the Cherokee Removal and Reconstruction, found a home with Canterbury House Publishing. Since then, I’ve written everything from Hallmark-style contemporaries to Revolutionary War romances (including my current Scouts of the Georgia Frontier Series with Wild Heart Books, where I also work as an editor). Everything but Civil War-era stories … until this one.

It feels a lot like coming home.

Some of that also has to do with the fact that I love writing stories that illustrate how God can bring healing and redemption out of the most difficult circumstances. I also endeavor to work as much real history as possible into the plots of my novels. And I love finding a little-known aspect of the past to center a story upon. When Hope Sank embodies all those things.

Reeling from the loss of over 600,000 men in the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln just the week prior, the nation hardly noticed when a steamer carrying a couple thousand U.S. prisoners of war exploded in the Mississippi River on April 27, 1865. Over eleven hundred perished in the icy waters that swelled several miles past the normal embankments at flood stage, making the sinking of the Sultana the most crippling maritime disaster in the nation’s history.

The former POWs on their way to muster out at Camp Chase, Ohio, were already emaciated and ill from imprisonment at infamous Andersonville and Cahaba prison camps. A number were badly burned when the boilers exploded, and many did not know how to swim. You can imagine the scene that ensued. While the steamboats docked at Memphis—which had been under Union occupation since the summer of 1862—got up steam, local citizens hurried to help, even those on the Arkansas shore who had fought for the Confederacy. The towns of Hopefield, Marion, and Mound City had suffered harsh reprisals for harboring Confederate guerillas. The area was well-known as a hotbed of spies and saboteurs intent on disrupting Union shipping on the Mississippi.

From this cauldron of chaos, discontent, and pain, an emotionally rich story was born. Focused on survival for herself and her little brother, Lily works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her Union sympathies to herself in her family of Southern sympathizers. The Yankee lieutenant she pulls from the river needs emotional healing even more than physical, though his wounds may compromise his ability to practice as a surgeon. The bond that forms between them from their shared faith and allegiances makes Lily question if she might have another option besides marrying her childhood sweetheart, a former partisan. And when coded message pass through River’s Rest, Lily struggles to find the courage to do what she didn’t the first time—speak out to save lives.

While the sinking of the Sultana may be the inciting event in When Hope Sank, it’s not the main focus. The reactions of the characters in the aftermath are. In our lives as followers of Christ, isn’t that where the real focus should lie? How we respond to tragedy? How we learn to reach for God instead of blaming Him? How, when we walk with Him, He brings beauty out of our ashes? It’s my prayer that the message of When Hope Sank settles deep in your heart.

My Impressions

“Who said anything about love?” She stepped around him, passing close as she reached for the door. “It’s not something I’ve dared to even hope for … until now.”

Barbour has come out with some of the best series! This one, A Day to Remember, involves six different obscure American tragedies. Each can be read without reading the others, but if you read one, you’ll want to read the rest!

Book three, When Hope Sank, is NOT about the Titanic! Rather, Denise Weimer recounts the disastrous 1865 journey of the steamboat the Sultana. The Sultana is carrying pardoned Union POW soldiers from Southern prisons up the Mississippi River. Cade Palmer, a doctor, and his close friend, James Caldwell, are two men on that ill-fated, massively overloaded boat, made to carry 500, but carrying over 2,000. A sudden explosion sends many men straight into eternity. Others are lost in the flaming boat and river debris as they try to escape.

Lily Livingston, living with her strongly Southern sympathizing aunt, cousin, and more moderate uncle, finds herself helping to rescue Cade and James from the river. As she cares for Cade’s injuries, she begins to care for the man himself.

Personal growth comes for both Cade and Lily, but painfully, slowly. Cade comes to realize evil is not just in those whose hatred causes untold death and destruction, but even in his own choices he makes that are self-serving. “…God allowed people a choice, and many in every generation chose evil. Because serving oneself was, in reality, serving evil instead of God.”

“He always thought his optimism and good works would get him into heaven. He never seemed to realize there are no good people, just as my father used to say, only bad people who can either choose justice or grace.” I found this quote from Cade describing someone else ironic. Yes, Cade has already chosen God’s grace of salvation. But… the crux of the novel is… will he choose to extend God’s grace or try to visit His wrath on others he deems unworthy?

Conflict and great personal angst threaten as Lily and James deal with things they failed to do in the past. Their failures affect the people around them and guilt bears down. Will their faith rise to the occasion or will they sink under the enormity of all they’ve lost? Can God really use such a horrendous tragedy for good?

I highly recommend this novel! I received a copy from Celebrate Lit. I also bought my own ecopy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“Pain is pain. It just hurts.” … “But it hurts a little less if you share it.”

“It’s hardly a crime to want others to think well of you.” He dropped her hand and lowered his gaze. “Not until you want it so much you put that above what God thinks.”

“By her own admission, she shared his ideals, and more importantly, his faith. Both of them clung to their spiritual heritage despite all they’d been through, and somehow, they strengthened each other in it. Believed for each other where they no longer could do so for themselves.”

“Better to be alone than to keep company with the wrong people.”

My Rating



Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 28

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 28

Bizwings Book Blog, May 29

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 29

Alena Mentink, May 30

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 30 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, May 31

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 31

Texas Book-aholic, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 2

Book Looks by Lisa, June 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 3

Life, Love, Writing, June 4

Blogging With Carol, June 4

The Lofty Pages, June 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 5

For Him and My Family, June 6

Blossoms and Blessings, June 6

Stories By Gina, June 7 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 7

Cover Lover Book Review, June 8

Connie’s History Classroom, June 8

Holly’s Book Corner, June 9

An Author’s Take, June 9

Pause for Tales, June 10


To celebrate her tour, Denise is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

BLOG, Favorite, Just Read Tours, Kindle, Launch Team, PB, Purchase

Sheltered by the Doctor by Danielle Grandinetti Review

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Sheltered by the Doctor by Danielle Grandinetti, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Title: Sheltered by the Doctor
Series: Harbored in Crow’s Nest #5
Author: Danielle Grandinetti
Publisher: Hearth Spot Press
Release Date: May 21, 2024
Genre: Christian Historical Romantic Suspense

A fake relationship might keep her safe, but will it break their hearts?

Wisconsin, 1931—Mindy Zahn can’t understand why her parents deserted the family farm, leaving her mute younger sister in her care. Until her mother’s cryptic warning to keep her sister safe becomes a life-threatening task.

Searching for that elusive something to ease his weary heart, Dr. Nick Matrone is drawn to the cheery Mindy. He would never presume to bring such a sweet woman into his beleaguered past, so friendship is all he can offer. Except, he doesn’t expect needing to save her life.

As the danger grows, they both must battle through physical and emotional wounds to have a hope of their counterfeit relationship becoming true.

Welcome to Crow’s Nest, where danger and romance meet at the water’s edge.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books in This Series


About the Author

Danielle Grandinetti is an award-winning inspirational romance author fueled by tea and books. As a FHLCW Reader’s Choice and Selah Award Finalist, she mixes romance, suspense, and history to bring her stories to life. Originally from the Chicagoland area, she now lives along Lake Michigan’s Wisconsin shoreline with her husband and their two young sons. Find her online at

Connect with Danielle at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

My Impressions

“Fake relationship, Matrone? Only pretend part about it is what you’re telling yourself.”

Finally! Sheltered by the Doctor, by Danielle Grandinetti, is out in the world! Why is this cause for celebration? Because I love historical fiction, set in a small town with a bit of romance and suspense. Because this is Nick and Mindy’s story. If you have read Grandinetti’s other Harbored in Crow’s Nest books, you met waitress Mindy, who is such a sweetheart, in the first book. But alas, David, her good friend, did not fall in love with her. So I’ve been waiting for Mindy’s turn!

Dr. Nick Matrone has moved to small-town Wisconsin (Crow’s Nest) to escape the prejudice and danger of New York City. Unfortunately, being an Italian at this time is bad, as Al Capone has just been arrested and Mussolini is gaining power in Italy. “A few bad apples, who newspapers and bigots used to paint the entire Italian community, shouldn’t make him ashamed of who God made him.”

Many townspeople refuse to seek out Nick’s doctoring ability because of his obvious heritage. People, as always, find reasons to look down upon a group of people who look, act, or speak differently. When will we ever learn to each other as God sees us, from the actions motivated by the heart, which are changeable, instead of skin color, which is unchangeable?

Mindy has a few problems of her own. Working hard as a waitress to support herself and her family, she is seen as a loose woman because of her profession. When she draws repeated unwanted attention from a certain customer, she claims in desperation that she and Nick are an item.

Mindy harbors a secret and also has a very unexpected responsibility thrust upon her. Added to that, the unwanted suitor is hanging around, ready to stir up trouble, and danger is galloping at Mindy from another direction she couldn’t predict.

I was happy to see old friends and more of Buck, who is rather an unknown quantity. Opinions are divided among Mindy and Nick and friends about Buck’s trustworthiness.

There are some great twists in this book! I loved that. However, there were a couple of issues that were given a lot of time in presentation, that I felt maybe weren’t wrapped up satisfactorily. They just needed more explanation than I felt they received. Overall, still a fave book in a great series by a fave author! Don’t miss it!

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author through JustRead Tours. I also bought my own paperback copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“You’ve found peace?” Mindy wanted it, wasn’t sure she’d ever had it. “Not yet.”

“…I’m searching for it, and this seemed like the place to find it.”

“…Do you think God hears us?”

“…I pray the answer is yes, or we’ll be searching for a lifetime.”

“He didn’t intentionally do anything of which he was accused. It was simply inherent to who he was. He was simply too dark. Too not-American. Too much of a physician. He was too much of the wrong things.”

“I’m not worthy, but You never asked us to be worthy.”

Everyone here knew the truth about their fake relationship.

“I firmly believe that, no matter a person’s actions, they are loved by God and deserve expert medical care. If only that they might live another day to experience the love and mercy He shows.”

“She should feel safe, cared for. Instead, her heart cracked open. Would she ever be loved, truly loved, simply for being herself?”

My Rating



Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a Crow’s Nest Prize Bundle which includes a print copy of Confessions to a Stranger, a Crow’s Nest canvas tote, a Crow’s Nest paperback notebook and Crow’s Nest stickers!

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 22, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 29, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

BLOG, Celebrate Lit Tour, Favorite, Kindle, Purchase

A Mountain Too Steep by Robin Patchen Review and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: A Mountain Too Steep

Author: Robin Patchen

Genre: Women’s Fiction/Suspense

Release Date: July 18, 2023

A car accident that might not be an accident at all. A murderer bent on revenge. And a woman desperate to keep her family together. 

She’s already lost her soul mate. She’ll do anything to protect her children.

For the sake of her kids, Camilla Wright managed to survive after her husband’s murder. When she’s awakened in the night with the news that her teenage son and nephew have been in a horrific car accident, she rushes to the hospital in a haze of shock and panic.

The boys were supposed to be skiing in the mountains east of Salt Lake City. What were they doing so far west? More alarming, the wreck might not have been an accident at all.

While Jeremy fights for his life, Camilla is running out of time to discover who lured her son and her nephew into the desert. With each new clue, the terrifying truth becomes clearer.

Her husband’s killers are closing in…

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Robin Patchen is a USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of Christian romantic suspense. She grew up in a small town in New Hampshire, the setting of her Nutfield Saga books, and then headed to Boston to earn a journalism degree. After college, working in marketing and public relations, she discovered how much she loathed the nine-to-five ball and chain. After relocating to the Southwest, she started writing her first novel while she homeschooled her three children. The novel was dreadful, but her passion for storytelling didn’t wane. Thankfully, as her children grew, so did her writing ability. Now that her kids are adults, she has more time to play with the lives of fictional heroes and heroines, wreaking havoc and working magic to give her characters happy endings. When she’s not writing, she’s editing or reading, proving that most of her life revolves around the twenty-six letters of the alphabet. Visit to receive a free book and stay informed about Robin’s latest projects.

More from Robin

It was Monday, July 16, 2018, at about nine-thirty at night.

I was home with my husband and daughter, watching TV, when my sister called. Since my son was visiting her family in Utah, I rushed to pick up.

“Robin,” my sister said. “The boys have been in a terrible accident. They’re being life-flighted to Salt Lake City. They’re both alive. That’s all I know.”

My knees hit the floor. Then I was lying prone on my kitchen tile. Ninety-nine percent of me was thinking, Oh, God. Please, please…

Nine-tenths of one percent was thinking, Why am I on the floor?

And I’ll be honest. About one-tenth of a percent was thinking, When was the last time I mopped? 

Such are the inner workings of a human mind in the midst of tragedy.

The next twelve hours were chaos. We needed to get from our Oklahoma home to Salt Lake as soon as possible. We found a flight that left at eight a.m. and booked it.

And then we waited.

While the minutes ticked past in slow motion, we got occasional updates on the boys’ condition. Joshua, my nephew, had a head injury and trauma to his gut.

Jacob, my son, had severe lung damage. Severe enough that, as soon as he arrived at the ER, they intubated him.

Both boys were transferred to the ICU and pronounced stable.

When my husband and I arrived the following morning, we saw Jacob. A tube down his throat. Tape across his face. Scrapes and cuts and bruises all over his upper body. One arm in a plaster cast from his biceps to his fingertips. Unconscious.

And then the hard part began.

The boys’ accident was such a unique and life-altering event in our lives. Watching a cherished child battle for his life, not knowing if he’ll win or lose, is like nothing you can imagine.

Or maybe you can. Maybe you’ve experienced something similar. People are in car accidents every single day. And motorcycle accidents. And other accidents.

And there are illness and addictions and mental health struggles. The list goes on and on.

If you’ve dealt with any of those, then your trauma was probably very different from ours. And yet, you and I could probably find a lot in common. The fear. The surreal moments. The pendulum swinging between hope and helplessness.

The constant litany of prayers.

We were fortunate. Our son and our nephew both survived and recovered. When we were on the other side, I knew I’d write about the experience someday.

And so…I did.

A Mountain Too Steep tells the story of two boys in a car accident in the middle of the Utah desert. The physical trauma the boys experienced is almost exactly what our boys endured.

The rest of the story is purely fictional, thank God. I like a little danger in my life—safe danger. Let’s leave the vengeful gang members in the realm of fiction, shall we?

I cried throughout the writing. And the editing. And the rereading. Even though five years have passed, the memories are still fresh.

Tears aside, I love this story. It’s about a woman whose husband was murdered, a widow who’s endured her own nightmare and who’ll do anything, anything, to protect her children.

I think you’re going to like it.

My Impressions

didn’t want goat feet. She didn’t want to scale mountains. She wanted a lush valley with tall grass and a pretty, meandering stream where she and her children would be safe. Was that too much to ask?”

What a soul-challenging book! A Mountain Too Steep by Robin Patchen is classified as Christian Women’s contemporary fiction with a side of mystery. Hmmm… How about romantic suspense, even though a marriage is involved?! From the opening paragraph, you know you’d better buckle your seat belt and hang on for dear life- because you’re in for the ride of your life!

Camilla Wright and her two children have suffered the loss of her husband and their father four years ago after he testified in a gang-related killing. Then, Jeremy, the 17-yr-old son and his cousin, are in a life-threatening car accident in the desert. When they were supposed to be in the mountains. Rev up for non-stop emotions, plus plenty of action!

I loved the realism. Many times Camilla realizes that this horrible new reality she’s been catapulted into, is too much for her. She’d like to curl up and give up, but then realizes that is not the choice she will make. She will continue the hard, tortuous journey, step by step, with God strengthening her as she goes. “Lord, help me go from strength to strength until I reach the end of this battle.”

Indeed, she finds hope in the fact that one day she will look out and see that she has crested the mountain. She knows where her power has to come from. “Scriptures she’d memorized over the years came back to her. She recited them silently, hanging onto God’s Word, the only solid thing in her life.”

I really couldn’t envision as I read how this terrifying mystery-light romance would end. Kudos for the way Patchen ties it together.

I also loved the way we learn about Daniel, the absent husband. Bit by bit we read his letters penned to his wife just before his death.

I also loved that though the viewpoint originally seems to place the failure of the marriage squarely on Daniel, slowly

Camilla surmises she contributed greatly to her marriage’s decline.

The ultimate underlying theme is doing the right thing, then trusting God with the results. So hard! We don’t always get the results we want.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. I also bought my own copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“Anybody who tells you sin isn’t fun is lying. It is. At least at first.”

“In repentance and rest is your salvation. In quietness and trust is your strength.”

“You, Miss Camilla, are a strong woman, not because you wield your own strength but because you know the One who strengthens you.”

“I was valued at work. I made a difference there. You didn’t need me. You managed our home with ease.”

“Jesus had carried her sins to the cross. She was meant to leave them there.”

“Justice matters. When we choose selfishness over justice, we’re lost as a community, as a society. Ultimately, I know my God is a God of justice. To deny justice is to deny Him.”

My Rating


Magnificent! I just pre-ordered the next two Wright brothers novels, The Wright Heroes of Maine, books 1& 2, ( If they’re this powerful, I can’t afford to miss them!!)

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 25

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 25

Betti Mace, July 26

Texas Book-aholic, July 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 28

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, July 29

Blossoms and Blessings, July 29

The Book Club Network, July 30

Christina’s Corner, July 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 31

The Lit Lady, August 1

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, August 2

Lily’s Book Reviews, August 3

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, August 4

For Him and My Family, August 5

Books Less Travelled, August 5

Holly’s Book Corner, August 6


To celebrate her tour, Robin is giving away the grand prize package of a paperback copy of Vengeance in the Mist and a $75 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.