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Rebecca by Shannon McNear Review and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Rebecca

Author: Shannon McNear

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical Romance

Release Date: July, 2023

A Native Princess Follows Her Heart

Immerse yourself in the “what if” questions related to the Lost Colony of Roanoke when a native princess meets an English widower.

Born the daughter of a Powhatan chieftain and a woman of unknown origins, Matoaka enjoys a carefree life. When strange men from across the eastern waters appear near her home, she regards them at first as a mere curiosity. Soon, though, she finds herself torn between friendship with one of their leaders and the opinions and politics of her elders. Drawn to a young Englishman, John Rolfe, who has lost a wife and baby daughter, she shares his griefs. . .and perhaps something more. Could she have a future among the English of Jamestown, accepting their ways and even changing her name? Could her fate be a part of the lasting legacy of the Lost Colony of Roanoke?

Author Shannon McNear portrays history with vivid authenticity.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Transplanted to North Dakota after more than two decades in Charleston, South Carolina, Shannon McNear loves losing herself in local history. She’s a military wife, mom of eight, mother-in-law of three, grammie of two, and a member of ACFW and RWA. Her first novella, Defending Truth in A Pioneer Christmas Collection, was a 2014 RITA® finalist. When she’s not sewing, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, basking in the beauty of the northern prairies. Connect with her at, or on Facebook and Goodreads.

More from Shannon

Daughters of the Lost Colony—how are we at book 3 already? I’m both excited and nervous about this one, which features Pocahontas and the original Jamestown. Why did I choose her, and this place, when the overall series is about the Lost Colony?

Among their various other aims, the Jamestown colonists were charged with finding the Roanoke Colony. John Smith’s own reports reference this, and one can sense his discouragement and frustration over their inability to find answers on the fate of those who came to the New World before them. William Strachey, early secretary to the colony, stated that Powhatan (that is, the paramount chieftain often called by the same name as his people group) had slain the last known survivors of the Roanoke Colony. But nowhere is that claim substantiated.

There were no solid historical connections between the Lost Colony and Pocahontas—so I created a plausible fictional one in the form of Emme Merrimoth, a historically documented member of the Roanoke Colony who in book 1, Elinor, experienced the fictional adventure of being carried captive to the Powhatan nation. Where Strachey lists the names of the paramount chieftain’s favored wives, I put Emme in the place of the real-life Winganuske.

I knew the research would be challenging on this one. What I didn’t expect was to find Emme’s aspect of this story so compelling—or to fall in love with Wahunsenecawh, the great Powhatan himself. The name alone is intimidating, but you can find sound clips of how to pronounce it here: and here: (ignore the weird stuff and click on the little red arrows for different voices). There are at least five or six documented ways to spell it, and the one I picked is probably the most obscure. I had a year to get used to saying it, but repeat after me, slowly:  wah-HUN-senacoh. Or wah-HOON-senacah, depending upon which rule you use for the U in Algonquian pronunciation, and how you interpret that “wh” at the end.

Names overall were an issue with this story. A few reviewers have already mentioned this difficulty. The thing is, in Native culture, especially what we know of the Eastern Algonquian-speaking peoples, a name wasn’t simply a casual identifier—it defined a person’s entire identity. We don’t know what most of the names recorded from that time meant, but we can be sure they weren’t chosen lightly, and they were valued by those who held them. Indeed, a change of name often accompanied a change of purpose. It has even been suggested that if the English had been paying attention, they’d have realized when Opechancanough changed his name shortly before the great attack of 1622, it signaled a critical shift in his attitude toward them.

So when you read this story, you may find it helpful to keep a finger in the cast list—or to place a bookmark on that page if you’re reading the Kindle version. Thank you so much, again, for taking this journey with me!

My Impressions

Rebecca, by Shannon McNear, is a very intellectual and scholarly novel of Pocahuntas, daughter of the highest Powhatan chief. McNear ties Rebecca to Roanoke and her Daughters of the Lost Colony by a rather surprising, seemingly unlikely, but possible connection. This book can be read as a stand-alone, but I am glad to have read Elinor and Mary first.

I found reading this novel challenging, but I was glad I persevered! The overall thought and story arc are beautiful! I must admit, McNear includes so many Native American names that are difficult to pronounce. The John Smith segment especially felt like reading a textbook rather than a novel. However, like assigned high school Shakespeare, one feels enlightened and much better informed afterwards. I was eager to find out the resolution to Pocahuntas’s decisions and the how relationship between the colony and the Natives would evolve.

I did appreciate how McNear alternates between the English POV and the Native POV. She does a great job making the reader feel sympathetic and understanding towards one way of thinking, than showing the reasonableness of the other view. Neither nation appeared totally good or bad, but rather as two opposing people grappling to find their way as they are suddenly in the same land.

The author notes before and after are extremely important to the understanding of this novel. Please don’t skip them!

The story of Jesus and His sacrifice is told very clearly and slowly as part of Pocahuntas’s religious education at Bermuda Hundred. It flowed very naturally as part of the story. I love Pocahuntas’s ( Rebecca’s) proclamation: “I have seen the spirits, but I have also seen your Christ, presenting Himself as the greatest of the spirits.”

Indeed, Rebecca realizes this is more than just a history of two nations sorting out ownership of a land. “Of a certainty, as she had suspected, this was more than one people sailing across yapám and making towns upon Tsenacomoco. It was one god supplanting another in a land where all had been settled for time out of mind.”

I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit via NetGalley. I also bought my own paperback copy for the keeper shelf. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“Her real name—she had shared her real name with him. He knew the significance of such a thing.”

“It is my wish—my hope—to bring word of your Christ to my people, so they may also know. And perhaps it was for that very thing I was born and chosen.

My Rating


Great!! It took quite a while to get into, but McNear has given me a much better understanding of the people of this time.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 27

Texas Book-aholic, July 28

Cover Lover Book Review, July 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 30

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 31

Alena Mentink, July 31

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 1

Connie’s History Classroom , August 2

For Him and My Family, August 3

Mary Hake, August 3

Holly’s Book Corner, August 4

Sylvan Musings, August 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 5

Pause for Tales, August 6

Betti Mace, August 7

Books Less Travelled, August 7

To Everything There Is A Season, August 8

Lights in a Dark World, August 9


To celebrate her tour, Shannon is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

17 thoughts on “Rebecca by Shannon McNear Review and Giveaway”

  1. Thank you SO much, Becky! Such an honor to be part of the tour again–and a relief to hear you ultimately enjoyed the story!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I appreciate learning more about the importance of names in the Native culture. The area where I live has many names that came from the Algonquian-speaking Abenaki.

    Rebecca sounds like a wonderful book, enriched by the historical details., that I will enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing your impressions of Rebecca, I love the cover and synopsis and I am looking forward to reading this story myself

    Liked by 1 person

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